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How it Works

All of our MannaTerra Soil Rejuvenator kits and Blue Lotus tincture kits are fully functional DIY (do it yourself) educational kits. Make your own MannaTerra Soil Rejuvenator and Blue Lotus extraits, tinctures, Herbal Tea concentrates in minutes.

  • Each Blue Lotus kit contains:
  • [A.] A single 30ml glass bottle (cobalt blue) with dropper. A single 30ml bottle is sufficient for a 30 day supply of your homemade DIY Blue Lotus tincture. For an earth-friendly approach, just refill the same bottle every 30 days. You can also order additional bottles at the time of purchase if you want to produce several bottles at the same time.
  • [B.] One (or more) package(s) of powdered Blue Lotus Extract (each measured at 1 gram weight per package) read more…
  • [C.] We also supply the simplest basic tools and equipment required for you to make your own Blue Lotus extraits, tinctures, and teas. *size and quantity of utensils vary according to each individual kit
  • [D.] A PDF file (plus written documentation) that explains standard methods employed in the industry for creating extraits, tinctures and liquid concentrates that may be used to infuse herbal teas.
  • PLEASE NOTE* Always remember to consult a properly qualified doctor, your naturopath, or your personal physician prior to use of any of the products included in the Blue Lotus DIY educational kits.
  • This educational system provides a few tools and materials that assist you in learning how to create your own extraits, tinctures, and concentrates for herbal teas.
  • * Use and application of the materials provided is dependent on your own personal initiative, free-will, and your individual capacity to research, explore, learn, make intelligent choices, innovate, create and heal.
  • * We do not provide medical advice or pharmaceutical recommendations.

Precision Weight Control

  • We do not provide medical advice or pharmaceutical recommendations.
  • However we do use the finest pharmaceutical-grade equipment and medical tools, when preparing raw materials and products for shipment.
  • METLER-TOLEDO Precision Scales are employed for pharmaceuticals in laboratories all over the world. We are not affiliated with Metler-Toledo. However we value the superb quality of their equipment and also use the equipment in manufacture of our TANAVATA Brand 100% Natural Perfumes and fragrances.
  • The scale measures at 00.005 (parts per thousand) of a gram …in other words it will weigh a single strand of hair 3 millimeters or less …or, as a further example, it will weigh a fraction of a single drop of rose essence! The glass walls are there to prevent human breath from affecting the measurement weight.
  • Use and application of the materials provided is dependent on your own personal initiative, free-will, and your individual capacity to research, explore, learn, make intelligent choices, innovate, create and heal.