MannaTerra alleviates Climate Extremes and helps to ensure the continuity of both, Global and  National Food Stream Security.

TeslaEarth Biotech

We’re Pioneering a new field of science called PRIMORDIOGENICS

MannaTerra is the core ingredient in our ClimateSmart product range, which includes Pharmaceutical grade “Immune Factor Essentials”; Probiotic Functional Foods; and an array of symbiotic remedial soil amendments that are effective in the Rejuvenation of Lakes, Rivers, Forests, Streams, Inland Bays, home gardens, and industrial-scale agriculture. 

TeslaEarth Biotech bids on role in USD$5.9Billion Japanese tech venture

TOKYO 2022 May 01 – For immediate release – Japan Military to Allocate USD$80million for Hydrogen Fuel Facility

Allocation of 1st traunch of $80MM budget for Hydrogen Fuel Facility on a remote tropical island near disputed maritime territories near TAIWAN/China triggers bid by TeslaEarth BioTech sustainability experts in the private sector.

A Japanese Military spokesperson has confirmed the provision of an additional USD$80mm from the Japan Self-Defense Force budget to bolster a successful alternative energy project that produces hydrogen fuel & electricity from ocean water.

With irrefutable widespread evidence that severe climate change is the number-one threat to national security, concerted and aggressive efforts are underway in Japan to accelerate the rebuild with a ten-fold expansion of the sleeping giant known as the “HatsuDen.”

After an initial USD$20million spend on overhead, 20 years of successful research data was gathered on a remote tropical island in southern Japan, yielding proof-of-concept, and validation of viability, which confirms the feasibility of economic operation.

When running in tandem with TeslaEarth BioTech the entire HatsuDen operation boasts a Negative Carbon Footprint.

Known as the HatsuDenki (発電機), or locally as “HatsuDen” the earth-friendly, Godzilla-like, power station is due to be scaled up ten-fold within the next 4 years. The unit has very few moving parts, is relatively silent, and currently produces more energy than it uses to extract electricity from ocean water.

With so little wear and tear on the equipment, it might be described as a “perpetual motion machine,” sporting a scalable future potential capable of powering cities the size of Tokyo. No fossil fuels are used during power generation.

So long as the HatsuDen is operating in tandem with TeslaEarth BioTech, vertical integration of the operation boasts a Negative Carbon Footprint. TeslaEarth BioTech is a living, breathing self-propagating symbiotic organism that breaths living-vitality into the HatsuDen.

Priming the Pump

Between 2020-2022 – Two government-backed subsidies were issued by the Japanese Government at JP¥80,000,000 (app. USD$600,000) and JP¥30,000,000 (app. USD$240,000)

2022 ~ JP¥80,000,000 (for the HatsuDen upgrade) was issued to local government bodies and other participants, to pay for the preliminary expenditure of initiating procedures necessary to produce environmental impact reports and other licensing required for the new and improved rebuild, upgrade, and expansion of the HatsuDen unit. (with a view to spending a minimum USD$80mm for the upgrade)

2020 ~ JP¥30,000,000 (for the introduction of TeslaEarth BioTech) was issued in 2020 to initiate a pilot run for the manufacture of the TeslaEarth BioTech product range and to initiate market tests. (conservatively, niche markets exceed USD$1 trillion in annual proceeds for agricultural applications alone)

Read more:

USA +1(424) 777-24 two two / JAPAN +81(50) 5532-28 eight two / HONG KONG +852(8) 191-59 five five / NEW ZEALAND +6 (9) 889-44 two four

(C) 2022 Copyright Essene Humane Society All Rights Reserved

The astonishing ability of a facility to generate electricity and hydrogen fuel from ocean water represents a quantum leap in providing hope, that we humans might be able to save ourselves from the looming disaster which we have brought upon ourselves.

TeslaEarth Biotech bids on cooperative role in $5.9 billion Japanese maritime tech venture

Since 2004, operating as a self-funding not-for-profit entity, TeslaEarth BioTech, has maintained its financial independence, and it now lays claim to performing its vital role in augmenting the moral and ethical deployment of these alternative energy facilities on a global scale.

The astonishing ability of a facility to generate electricity and hydrogen fuel from ocean water represents a quantum leap in providing hope, that we humans might be able to save ourselves from the looming disaster which we have brought upon ourselves.

Generating electricity and hydrogen fuel from ocean water.

The astonishing ability of a facility to generate electricity and hydrogen fuel from ocean water represents a quantum leap in providing hope, that we humans might be able to save ourselves from the looming disaster which we have brought upon ourselves.

The TeslaEarth Biotech project provides hope and relief to a human population that finds itself in the midst of a mass extinction event.

Since 2004, operating as a self-funding not-for-profit entity, TeslaEarth BioTech, has maintained it’s financial independence, and it now lays claim to performing its vital role in augmenting the moral and ethical deployment of these alternative energy facilities on a global scale.

Nature turns a profit utilizing the sun’s energy.

Plant a seed properly and enjoy return on your investment a hundred fold. TeslaEarth employs this ancient wisdom in new and unprecedented ways.

An age-old question rears its ugly head: “Since trillions of dollars are required to scale-up and distribute HatsuDen technology globally… How do we recover and pay back those funds in a moral and ethically fit manner?”

Prior to the introduction TeslaEarth BioTech this issue remained unresolved. Energy suppliers simply passed the buck and forced downstream consumers to pay the price for (corrupt) management’s greed and inefficiency. But, do we really want a repeat of the imbalance of wealth that fossil fuel companies have foisted upon the world over the past 150 years? A scenario in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

Fortunately, TeslaEarth BioTech provides both solutions and answers to these inconvenient truths.

The problem is this, that to date, efforts made to recover private investors’ money and government funds used to initiate the build (i.e. taxpayers’ money and ROI for investors) has been largely disappointing in the majority because sadly, the majority of the multi-million dollar private industry satellite companies that were supposed to utilize the byproducts of the HatsuDen prototype, floundered. Bankruptcies became commonplace during the early years of experimental application. Many individuals lost their life-savings. Now only a few privileged individuals profit from the remaining satellite endeavors.

Thankfully, a few businesses survived. However, none of them are capable of adequately subsidizing a proper ROI protocol that will ensure return on investment for the vast majority of mom and pop investors who, to date have seen no return due to numerous bankruptcies. They lost their investments completely. These investors should now be counted as victims of a series of unnecessary, historically inappropriate bankruptcies that could and should have, been prevented.

“This sort of mismanagement now implies that costs of industrial-scale building, production and delivery must be passed on to downstream consumers who purchase the renewable energy…” and more importantly, “In a sustainable and ethically balanced earth-friendly society, this scenario (that costs of industrial-scale building, production and delivery must be passed on to downstream consumers) is both unethical and immoral and therefore unacceptable, when alternative viable solutions such as TeslaEarth BioTech have been immediately available all along. Therefore the marriage of HatsuDen technology and TeslaEarth BioTech becomes an imperative and is inevitable.” ~ TeslaEarth founder

Between 2020-2022 – Two government-guaranteed loans were issued by the Japanese Government at JPY80,000,000 (app. USD$800,000) and JPY30,000,000 (app. USD$300,000)

TeslaEarth BioTech to The Rescue – The Devil’s in the Details

JPY80,000,000 (for the HatsuDen upgrade) was issued in 2022 to local government bodies and other participants, to pay for the preliminary costs of initiating procedures necessary to produce environmental impact reports and other licensing required for the new and improved rebuild, upgrade and expansion of the HatsuDen unit. (with a view to spending at minimum USD$80mm for the upgrade).

JPY30,000,000 (for the introduction of TeslaEarth BioTech) was issued in 2020 to initiate a pilot run for the manufacture of the TeslaEarth BioTech product range and to initiate market tests. (conservatively, niche markets exceed USD$1 trillion in annual profits for agricultural applications alone).

Although seriously impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the first series of sample products were hygienically prepared in government-approved facilities, and the first rounds of marketing research were initiated. Samples o fTeslaErath’ s MannaTerra Biotech (TM) include a range of pharmaceuticals, Probiotic Immune Factor Essentials (TM), fermented functional foods, agricultural grade materials, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, skincare balms and lotions, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, perfumes, fragrance oils, aromatherapy products, along with numerous other clean beauty, clean living, and clean eating materials.

Based on TeslaEarth’s sustainable business model, proof of concept, and numerous feasibility studies that were conducted over the same 20 year period (since 2002), TeslaEarth Biotech has emerged as the clear and present sustainably engineered, symbiotic, financial champion, with its ability to satisfy debt and create profits while providing immediate relief to farmers and pharmacies worldwide on a massive, industrial scale.

In fact, TeslaEarth BioTech has shown the greatest promise among all contenders in its ability to provide relief to a dying planet and a population that finds itself in the midst of a mass extinction event.

Under the current and historical not-for-profit business model, (and although TeslaEarth has nothing at all to do with the failures of the other business ventures) as a public benefit entity, it has always been the intent, that all profits from the sale of TeslaEarth BioTech products will go towards repayment of the funds provided over the past 20 years, derived from taxpayers money, and to repay investments made by those local small business owners and individuals who suffered losses due to unnecessary bankruptcies, and to cover future building costs and scaled operational expenses of additional HatsuDen facilities. As such, although TeslaEarth played no part in the failure of the aforementioned bankruptcies, the TeslaEarth BioTech organization is the first and only organization or individual, historically, to publicly offer to assist with the recovery of the losses created by the (unwarranted) bankruptcies.

With TeslaEarth Biotech’s potential as a financial champion, augmented by its unique capability to recover millions of dollars of taxpayer’s and investors’ money at break-neck speed, the TeslaEarth business model was subjected to a vetting procedure conducted by a major Japanese banking institution. That vetting procedure was followed by further review by government-appointed financial experts. The result was that a Government Guaranteed loan in the amount of JPY30,000,000 was issued within months of the onset of the global COVID-19 outbreak in support of TeslaEarth’s Biotech sustainable concepts and manifesto. Although countless interruptions and setbacks were created by previous and ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks, the sustainable nature of TeslaEarth BioTech has proven formidable.

Chapter 4: Henry Alfred Goolsbee’s Kilonovae Hypothesis

(C) 2024 Copyright Essene Humane Society / Henry Alfred Goolsbee / All Rights Reserved

Introduction: A Cosmic Perspective on ORMEs

The Kilonovae Hypothesis, proposed by Henry Alfred Goolsbee, provides a groundbreaking explanation for the origins of ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic/Diatomic Elements). This hypothesis links the formation of ORMEs to one of the most energetic and significant events in the universe: kilonovae. Kilonovae are explosive events that occur when two neutron stars collide, resulting in the creation of heavy elements, including precious metals. Goolsbee’s hypothesis suggests that ORMEs are not just rare elements but are born from these cosmic cataclysms, carrying with them unique properties that stem from their extraordinary origins.

The Birth of Elements in Kilonovae Events

Kilonovae are among the most powerful events in the universe, releasing vast amounts of energy and producing heavy elements through a process known as r-process nucleosynthesis. This process occurs when the neutron-rich environment of a kilonova allows for rapid neutron capture by atomic nuclei, leading to the formation of elements much heavier than iron, including gold, platinum, and other precious metals.

According to Goolsbee’s hypothesis, the intense conditions within a kilonova also give rise to ORMEs. The hypothesis posits that during these events, certain atoms undergo a form of orbital rearrangement, leading to the creation of monatomic or diatomic elements with unique, high-spin states. These ORMEs possess properties distinct from those of ordinary elements, such as superconductivity, energy storage capabilities, and potentially even effects on consciousness.

Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Support

The Kilonovae Hypothesis is supported by a combination of empirical observations and theoretical models. In 2017, spectroscopy data from a kilonova event provided the first direct evidence of T-metals (transuranic metals) being created during such events. This discovery lent credence to the idea that the extreme conditions present in kilonovae are indeed capable of producing exotic forms of matter, including ORMEs.

Goolsbee’s hypothesis also draws on findings from both astrophysics and materials science. The conditions necessary for the formation of ORMEs—a highly energetic environment, rich in neutrons and conducive to orbital rearrangement—align closely with the known characteristics of kilonovae. Furthermore, the unique properties of ORMEs, such as their potential for superconductivity, suggest a cosmic origin, as these properties are often associated with the extreme environments found in space.

Implications of the Kilonovae Hypothesis

The implications of the Kilonovae Hypothesis are profound, both for our understanding of the universe and for practical applications here on Earth. If ORMEs are indeed the products of kilonovae, this would mean that they carry with them the energy and complexity of these cosmic events. Such a realization opens up new avenues for research in multiple fields, including energy storage, quantum computing, and even consciousness studies.

Energy and Superconductivity: One of the most promising applications of ORMEs lies in their potential for superconductivity. If ORMEs can be harnessed as superconductors at higher temperatures than currently possible, they could revolutionize energy transmission, storage, and usage.

Quantum Technologies: ORMEs’ unique quantum properties could also play a role in the development of advanced quantum technologies, such as quantum computers, which require materials capable of maintaining quantum coherence over time.

Consciousness and Health: The potential effects of ORMEs on consciousness, as suggested by anecdotal evidence and ongoing research, could lead to new insights into the mind-body connection, consciousness studies, and even health and wellness.

The Future of ORMEs Research

Goolsbee’s Kilonovae Hypothesis not only provides a new perspective on the origins of ORMEs but also sets the stage for future research. Scientists across various disciplines are now beginning to explore the properties of ORMEs with renewed interest, seeking to understand how these elements can be utilized for technological advancement and what they can tell us about the universe.

As we continue to investigate the connections between cosmic events like kilonovae and the materials we find on Earth, we may uncover new aspects of ORMEs that could transform our approach to science, technology, and even spirituality.


Henry Alfred Goolsbee’s Kilonovae Hypothesis is a bold and imaginative theory that links the origins of ORMEs to some of the most dramatic events in the universe. By proposing that these elements are born from the collision of neutron stars, Goolsbee has opened up new possibilities for understanding the nature of matter, energy, and consciousness. As research into ORMEs continues, we may find that these elements hold the key to unlocking new technologies and insights that could change the course of human history.


TANAVATA 100% Natural Sophisticated Perfumes

Grand Sponsor of

TeslaEarth BioTech
Climate Smart Solutions

all profits from the sales of TANAVATA PERFUMES, FRAGRANCE OILS and BLUE LOTUS TINCTURES go to TeslaEarth BioTech Climate Smart Solutions NGO sustainability activities

Blue Lotus


Sexy DIY Kit

Blue Lotus


Tantric Tinctures and Extraits “Do It Yourself Kits” on sale up to 40% off this week.


Amazing Deals

Blue Lotus


Sexy DIY Kits

Get 60 days FREE

Special OFFER

Blue Lotus Sexy DIY Kit

You can make your own!

Super easy

Tea / Tinctures

Fun with friends

Homebrew DIY Kit

The True Meaning of TANTRA is, “Woven Together.”

The Blue Lotus goal-state

“A sexy happy couple fully integrated in Spiritual Bliss and Sexual Harmony.”

To be “Fully Aware” and “All-Embracing” is the Blue Lotus intent. To “Feel good and do no harm.”

TANAVATA 100% natural perfumes and fragrances are carefully formulated to enhance the experience of sacred union.

We “weave” and “integrate” Spiritual Virtues into the very fabric of the Mundane and Physical; thereby improving the harmonic resonance of the Desire Body, whereupon we effectively repurpose the functions of Ego. We are all on a challenging and heroic journey as we return to perfection.

The Metamorphic Blue Lotus Process should be fun, pleasant, and deeply satisfactory.

Learning to “Want what we need,” as opposed to “Needing what we want,” is the simplest, perfect, ultimate expression of the starseed human couple and nuclear resonant family.” ~ “The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene” ~> ~> by William Hearth

Tincture and Extrait products on sale up to 40% off this week.

How it Works

All of our MannaTerra Soil Rejuvenator kits and Blue Lotus tincture kits are fully functional DIY (do it yourself) educational kits. Make your own MannaTerra Soil Rejuvenator and Blue Lotus extraits, tinctures, Herbal Tea concentrates in minutes.

  • Each Blue Lotus kit contains:
  • [A.] A single 30ml glass bottle (cobalt blue) with dropper. A single 30ml bottle is sufficient for a 30 day supply of your homemade DIY Blue Lotus tincture. For an earth-friendly approach, just refill the same bottle every 30 days. You can also order additional bottles at the time of purchase if you want to produce several bottles at the same time.
  • [B.] One (or more) package(s) of powdered Blue Lotus Extract (each measured at 1 gram weight per package) read more…
  • [C.] We also supply the simplest basic tools and equipment required for you to make your own Blue Lotus extraits, tinctures, and teas. *size and quantity of utensils vary according to each individual kit
  • [D.] A PDF file (plus written documentation) that explains standard methods employed in the industry for creating extraits, tinctures and liquid concentrates that may be used to infuse herbal teas.
  • PLEASE NOTE* Always remember to consult a properly qualified doctor, your naturopath, or your personal physician prior to use of any of the products included in the Blue Lotus DIY educational kits.
  • This educational system provides a few tools and materials that assist you in learning how to create your own extraits, tinctures, and concentrates for herbal teas.
  • * Use and application of the materials provided is dependent on your own personal initiative, free-will, and your individual capacity to research, explore, learn, make intelligent choices, innovate, create and heal.
  • * We do not provide medical advice or pharmaceutical recommendations.

Precision Weight Control

  • We do not provide medical advice or pharmaceutical recommendations.
  • However we do use the finest pharmaceutical-grade equipment and medical tools, when preparing raw materials and products for shipment.
  • METLER-TOLEDO Precision Scales are employed for pharmaceuticals in laboratories all over the world. We are not affiliated with Metler-Toledo. However we value the superb quality of their equipment and also use the equipment in manufacture of our TANAVATA Brand 100% Natural Perfumes and fragrances.
  • The scale measures at 00.005 (parts per thousand) of a gram …in other words it will weigh a single strand of hair 3 millimeters or less …or, as a further example, it will weigh a fraction of a single drop of rose essence! The glass walls are there to prevent human breath from affecting the measurement weight.
  • Use and application of the materials provided is dependent on your own personal initiative, free-will, and your individual capacity to research, explore, learn, make intelligent choices, innovate, create and heal.

How it Works

Read more about the DIY make-your-own tinctures, extraits and concentrates for herbal teas.

Why it Works

Read more about the alkaloids in Blue Lotus and why we use it to treat addiction, enhance sexual performance, and other benefits assicated with Blue Lotus extracts.

Clean Beauty Concepts

100% Natural Perfumes, Frangrance Oils, Deodorants, Incense and other CLEAN BEAUTY concepts by TANAVATA SINCE 1968